Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Official Firefox Release

Mozilla Firefox has "gone gold" with the release of version 1.0. I installed it on Linux and Mac boxes with no problem. The installation picked up all of my old preferences without problem. Well, one problem: is very slow, so it's hard to get updates for extensions. This will probably solve itself in a few days as the number of downloads goes down. And some extensions, notably CookieCuller, don't have updates available.

Oh, one annoyance: when doing a "find", Firefox puts the search box at the bottom of the page. There used to be a big "X" so you could delete that box. Now the delete button is there, but it's not visible: you have to search for it with the mouse. This may be a problem with the theme I'm using, and not with Firefox.

Later: Yes, it's a theme issue. I'm using pinball. When I switch to the default theme I get the "X".

Even later: Using the update function under Tools => Themes updates Pinball to show the X. It's black, not white on red, but that's OK.