Saturday, October 29, 2005

Visitor MMMM

Actually, that should be M Vbar, where Vbar is a V with a bar across it, but I'm lazy, and I digress, as usual.

Last night at 10:23:27 pm (EDT) this blog had its 4,000th visitor since I started logging visits. Thanks to sitemeter, we know that our 4,000th guest was from the University of California at San Diego and, surprise, wanted to know about firefox and rtsp, and visited the famous Linux, Firefox, and rtsp:// page. Odd, because our visitor was using a Mac running OS X, which I didn't think had this problem.

I've only been keeping usage information for a few months, but I can tell you that since last August 15, 38% of those who visit here are running Linux (good show) and 56% are running Windows, with most of the remainder Macs. 62% of our visitors use the Firefox browser (great!), while only 27% use IE. Keep up the good work, people.

And thanks to all of you for stopping by. We don't get the hits of some blogs, but we get quite a few more than I ever thought we would.