A quick note because I'm always forgetting this stuff: I use Ximian Evolution as my mail reader, and MozillaFirebird as my browser. Evolution is a Gnome Desktop application. So, to get a clicked hyperlink in Evolution and to pop up in a new tab on Firebird, the following needs to be done:
- Launch the Gnome control center (gnome-control-center from an xterm)
- Click on Preferred Applications
- A window will come up. Click on the Web Browser tab, and then Custom Web Browser
- Edit box as you want and click Close.
My "Custom Web Browser" is a little file called newfire, which looks like this:
#!/bin/sh # From http://vroop.com/archives/000020.html: # open URL in new process if there isn't one, otherwise open URL in a new tab firebird -remote "ping()" && firebird -remote "openURL($1, new-tab)" && exit 0 # if we're here, open a new process. firebird "$1" &
As the comments say, if Firebird is open this opens the link in a new Firebird tab. Otherwise, clicking the link opens Firebird.
Happy New Year everyone.