Thursday, January 01, 2004

The Evolution of MozillaFirebird

When you click on a email address in new copy of MozillaFirebird, you see a message something like mailto is not a registered protocol, i.e., you can't get there from here.

The real solution is to include a set of preferences in Firebird which tells to program what to do when it sees a mailto: link. That hasn't happened yet, so the workaround is to use the Firebird extension program mozex. This lets you tell Firebird how to handle a variety of protocols. You can even reset some the Firebird handles quite well, e.g. ftp.

Installation is almost automatic, just follow the links on the mozex home page. After installation, restart Firebird, then click Tools ==> Options ==> Extensions. On that page, click on mozex and then click Options. Click the Intercept mailto: clicks box, then fill in the proper command for the Mailer:, then click OK. The proper command depends on the mail client you are using. Instructions for many mail clients are found in the mozex FAQ. For Ximian Evolution the proper string is:

evolution mailto:%A?Subject=%S&Cc=%C&body=%B
Now when you click on you can actually send me a mail message, provide you can get it past's spam filters.